This adventure is inspired by the story of human migration as the Mongol Empire spread west across Asia until ultimately butting up against Western civilization.
In the Holy Land, we pick up where the Mongols left off, and follow the spread of religion and culture across Europe and the Atlantic until concluding this epic journey in the United States where humanity continues evolving in the experiment known as the American Melting Pot.
Global in nature, this is a trip with the potential to generate significant insights into multiple societies and cultures, as well as one’s own perception of the world as a whole. RTWClub places great priority on interaction with locals. In each destination, we work with the best, most thought-provoking local guides possible. RTWClub is committed to exploring destinations with an agenda beyond religion, ethnic identity, and political affiliation. We don’t travel to judge. We travel to SEE. This makes all the difference. Our motto is: Be brave. Be kind. Go.©